Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Kick It Up in Little Italy

KICK IT UP! is Little Italy’s celebration of soccer, food, and dance on June 27, 2015. It is a street festival held in conjunction with the FIFA Women’s World Cup soccer quarter finals at Commonwealth Stadium.

In the morning, there’ll be games, contests, play-events, and food for the whole family, mostly around Giovanni Caboto Park.

In the evening, after the game, we turn Via Italia into a street dance party and dance the night away.

“The festival brings a new energy and excitement to Edmonton. Our goal is to bring all generations together to celebrate “The Game,” enjoy European culture, and celebrate the fun, food and energy of Little Italy,” says Teresa Spinelli, Italian Centre Shop owner, with a smile.

There will be pasta, cappuccino, soccer, stories, dance, and much more! With 95 Street open to pedestrian traffic only, Kick It Up! is fun to stroll, listen to stories, dance the night away, and, of course, Mangia! Bevi! Balla!

Besides special features from local Little Italy stores like the Italian Centre Shop, Zocalo, Sorrentino’s, Mile Zero Dance, and many more, the festival brings a market-like street-party atmosphere with food, music, skills competition, kids activities, special performances, soccer, demos and much more!

Kick it Up! is sponsored by Viva Italia Business Association, the Italian Youth Association, McCauley Community League, Little Italy businesses, and the City of Edmonton.

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