Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Martin Garber-Conrad is a Man of Honour

Martin Garber-Conrad. Shauna Forsyth

Martin Garber-Conrad is a well known name in the McCauley and Boyle Street communities who was honoured at the 2015 CEASE Men of Honour Awards on May 1, 2015.

Garber-Conrad, who resides in McCauley, is a quiet, gentle man who has been the lead or a part of some life-changing ventures within our communities and throughout the City of Edmonton. He has consistently worked for programming, safety, and housing for women and children for over 25 years. Credited with the founding of Women’s Emergency Accommodation Centre (WEAC) and Kids in the Hall during his time at E4C, he is now the CEO of the Edmonton Community Foundation investing in Edmonton’s families and Edmonton’s future.

Congratulations Mr. Garber-Conrad – you are well deserving of this honour.

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