Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


McCauley Community After School Care

Cause to celebrate!

Staff and children at the McCauley Community After School Care. Gary Garrison

Thirty-five years! That’s a long time to look after kids. But that’s exactly what the McCauley Community After School Care Association has done in our community. To me, it was a lifesaver. Juggling kids and work was stressful, but knowing that my children were in a happy, healthy place after school and on those numerous PD and early dismissal days made it possible.

The McCauley Community After School Care Association (MCASCA) was formed in 1980 as a not-for-profit association guided by a volunteer board. Originally an after school program, it was later expanded to include daycare. Over the years, various schools approached the Association, asking that after school care be organized for their schools that over time have included St. Michael’s, Newton, Delton, Eastwood, Morinville, McArthur, and Athlone. The availability of subsidies has ensured that this care is affordable.

Currently, McCauley After School Care has five locations: McCauley, McArthur, Canora, and two sites in Morinville. The McCauley site includes daycare and was one of the first daycares in Alberta to be accredited. The population in all centers fluctuates between 180 to 200 children. Now, all locations are accredited, making sure that well-qualified staff are committed to the vision of age appropriate play based programming, that includes daily outdoor time, field trips, and nutritious snacks.

“I liked when we got a hedgehog,” one child said, “I could pick him up with gloves on.” “The Chinese buffet field trip was great!” said another, patting his stomach.

The community is invited to help celebrate our 35th anniversary on Saturday, July 23 from 12 noon to 4:00 p.m., at Sacred Heart School (9624 – 108 Avenue). Balloons, treats, a bouncy castle, laughing children, and happy parents – we’ll be there to celebrate another good thing about McCauley. Please join us.

Sara Coumantarakis sits on the Board of McCauley Community After School Care Association.

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