Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Plant Exchange A Success

Left to right: A visitor, Diane, Joanne, and Marilynn at the Plant Exchange. Supplied

The Plant Exchange on Saturday morning, May 7, at the NE corner of Caboto Park, was a success even though we didn’t have many people stop by. The whole point of a plant exchange is to dig up what you don’t need and take away new plants you want to try. People come and talk to folks that have brought certain plants, who know their characteristics, how they grow, if they need sun or shade, etc. That was the intent of this Plant Exchange: to pass along what we learned by experience. Diane and I talked to all the folks who stopped by, and we answered questions as they came up.

Marilynn brought many plants that she has nourished for several years, and she is a great source of information about plants, as she is a Master Gardener. Diane is also a long-time gardener so she brought various plants, and we were able to talk with people about how they grow. I was the “newby” of the three of us, with only 10 years of experience growing plants in McCauley. I had started seeds for vegetables, and we all had dug up small plants we did not need. Many plants put out runners, or they spread, so they make great fillers in places where you need a little something more.

We each brought different plants, so there was lots from which to choose. For me, it was a chance to give back to the community after all the kindness shown to me when I first moved here 10 years ago. At that time, there was nothing living in my yard except a few bits of quack grass – no trees or shrubs or flowers. Marilynn brought me many plants back then, and gave me instruction about them, but I was overwhelmed and planted some in the wrong spots. It’s trial and error and that’s how we learn. It is very expensive to buy plants for a complete yard, and it takes years to build a beautiful yard, with landscaping and grassy areas for various uses. So, a plant exchange makes getting new plants FREE! I was pleased to try to help others with what I have learned by experience.

Diane, Marilynn, and I all find great joy in watching plants come up each spring, and we help them find ways to flourish and enhance our yards. We all have certain plants or colours that bring us joy, so the choice is very personal. We hope you all have a very happy summer as you experiment and learn what plants grow well and look great in your yards.

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