McCauley Residents Receive Peace Awards

A number of people who live in Boyle Street and McCauley, or who are affiliated in some way with the area, have been recipients of the Salvos Prelorentzos Peace Award over the years. However, this year’s awards ceremony on September 29 at City Hall was an all-McCauley affair.
Linda Dumont is the 2016 recipient of the Salvos Award. A long-time McCauley resident, she is the founder and publisher of Alberta Street News, and is dedicated to supporting the lives of marginalized people.
Bob McKeon received the 2016 Polovnikoff-Mokry Lifetime Service Award for his many years of advocating for social justice, including inner city issues, poverty, health, hunger, housing, and community and economic development.
The guest speaker for the evening was John Kolkman, Research Coordinator with the Edmonton Social Planning Council and another long-time McCauley resident. He spoke about issues pertaining to poverty in Edmonton.
For the entertainment, Linda Dumont’s son Sean Giroux performed an original dance piece with his group. Entitled “Unseeables,” the piece explored issues surrounding the horrors of residential schools and the lasting effects they have had.
The Salvos Prelorentzos Peace Awards are organized by Project Ploughshares Edmonton and recognize people who work for peace but have not been previously recognized for their efforts. The awards were held in November in previous years, but were moved to late September to be included as part of the Edmonton Peace Festival’s series of events.