Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Cherry Blossoms Brighten McCauley

The new “Cherry Blossoms” mural. The Places 2012

McCauley has a new public artwork to boast about. The Works International Visual Arts Society and its Art & Design in Public Places Program is pleased to announce the completion of a new mural in the McCauley neighbourhood.

A 15’ x 18’ mural, entitled “Cherry Blossoms” can now be viewed on the south wall of Kim Fat Market at 9905 – 107 Avenue. The mural was created by Edmonton-based artist Grace Law, who led a youth artist team consisting of young emerging artists from Edmonton: Olivia Chow, David Simmonds, and Borys Tarasenko. The Places community partner for the mural is Kim Fat Market owner Mr. D. Phong Luu.

Be on the lookout in the spring of 2013 for the completion of a second mural on the east wall of the market, featuring original imagery created by artist Kris Friesen. Both projects are made possible through the support of the Great Neighbourhoods Program.

The goal of The Art & Design in Public Places Program, est. 1999, is to plan, develop, and site art and design in Edmonton to raise the profile and liveability of the City, thereby increasing the attractiveness of Business Revitalization locations for business, residents, and tourists.

For more information, please contact The Places at (780) 426-2122,, or visit

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