Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


New Developments

Greetings all, and Happy New Year!

What’s happening in Boyle Street? New developments! I have been in touch with developers about the Muttart lands near the Stadium LRT Station, as well as the proposed development at 96 Street and Jasper Avenue that will be 81 stories high. I personally am in favour of this project. The City Pilot Project on the old York Hotel site, which will be a container housing project for the homeless population, is another project which I am personally in favour.

I have also been interviewed by Metro about the parking lot situation in Boyle Street. I gave my personal opinion about this issue. The BSCL Board may issue statements at a later date after our next meeting, so watch for future statements on that issue.

We, the BSCL Board, were excited about the grand opening of the Hyatt Hotel on Jasper Avenue and 96 Street in mid-January.

I wish all of our readers a happy and prosperous 2017!

Alf White is the President of the Boyle Street Community League.

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