Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Newspaper AGM Brings Board Changes

Our BMC News staff. From left: Rosalie Gelderman (Bookkeeping), Vikki Wiercinski (Design/Advertising), Paula E. Kirman (Editor/Volunteer Coordinator), and Colleen Chapman (Volunteer Coordinator). Randy Layetzke

The Annual General Meeting for the Boyle Street McCauley Newspaper Society was held on November 21, 2012. Staff, board members, and contributors reflected on the past year of Boyle McCauley News and looked towards the future.

Comments about the past year of operations were generally positive. Community feedback has mostly been good and our website has expanded our readership. Financially, the paper is in good shape as we recently had a casino and our advertising revenues are doing quite well.

We had a few changes in our Board of Directors. We said farewell to Tim Nixon, who has served on the board for six years, the most consecutive terms a board member can do without a break (terms are two years). However, he will be no stranger to the paper, as he is also a block carrier with two routes and decided to join our Editorial Committee!

As well, Bonnie Barrigan decided to take a break from the board after serving a two-year term. This was not Bonnie’s first time on our board, and we hope she will join us again in the near future.

As well, we welcomed some new members to our board. Jim Gurnett, a former resident of the area and current block carrier, brings his insight and experience to the board. Prolific contributor and Editorial Committee member Gary Garrison also came on board. His partner and fellow contributor Sara Coumantarakis also joined, but unfortunately had to resign early on due to family commitments.

Here is a list of our current Board of Directors and their positions:

Alistair Henning: Chair
Father Jim Holland: Treasurer
Gary Garrison: Secretary

Directors at Large:
Deborah Stewart
Wesley May
Christine Chomiak
Jim Gurnett

Our Editorial Committee is:
Gary Garrison
Alistair Henning
Yo’vella M.
Wesley May
Kylee Nixon
Tim Nixon
Bernard Soberg

We are looking forward to an exciting time in 2013! Remember, we need volunteers in a variety of capacities, so contact our office to find out what opportunities may be available for you.

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