Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • October-November 2024 • Circulation 5000


Nothing Like Summer

“Oh, the summer night, Has a smile of light, And she sits on a sapphire throne.” – Bryan Procter

Nothing is like a summer in our fair city. I call it Mother Nature’s compensation for the winter we just endured. All summers have their unique qualities, but having lived in other parts of the world, I always say there is nothing like an Edmonton summer!

The “SOS” (Surplus of Sunshine) cannot be beat. I love that time when the sun rises early and sets late. It is the most enjoyable time both waking up and falling asleep to daylight.

The skies look painted with the most amazing colours and it is that perfect combination of cool mornings and evenings, the elongated sunshine, that makes me love summer in our city.

Of course, the abundance of festivals, the restaurant patios, nature’s alarm clock of the chirping of birds, and the laughter of children enjoying the outdoors that makes me feel we are home to the best summers of any city I have resided in.

I am a “summer baby” having been born in June and it is always a treat to celebrate my birthday outdoors.

Our community transforms with the vibrancy of people getting outdoors to get the best dose of natural vitamin D!

Some may go on a well deserved vacation, some prefer a “staycation,” but after enduring winter everyone wins!

Summer holds memories for many, and we long for it. So, stay safe and enjoy.

To our wonderful community and metropolis: HAPPY SUMMER!

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