Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


Our McCauley’s Second Intercultural Gathering

People enjoying lunch at the second Our McCauley Intercultural Gathering. Sheryle Carlson

At Our McCauley’s second monthly Intercultural Gathering this year, a special Mother’s Day Lunch brought together McCauley area’s diverse community to eat, learn, share, and have fun!

Sharon Anne Pasula, Nehiyaw/Métis/Jewish knowledge keeper and Boyle Street resident, opened the gathering with Indigenous protocol, with an uplifting song and hand drum then prayer.

Over 120 people enjoyed a variety of foods from Aroma Café, Pacific Café – sister organization of Equi-Tea Multicultural Catering – Kukooms Bannock-Frybread, and sandwiches from the Italian Centre. During the meal, we listened to the smooth grooves of Aristotle and Amson of Abre de Vie music collectiv,e and later drums and singing from Chubby Cree.

Based on participant feedback from our April gathering, we brought in a Mircro-Poetry Workshop facilitated by Nisha Patel (Artist-in-Residence at the Nook Café) and Nasra Adem (former Youth Poet Laureate of Edmonton). Mothers and other folks shared ideas, thoughts, and feelings combining creative juices, reflection, and community building.

Child-minding educators from the Multicultural Family Resource Society provided care for 20 children while the older folks engaged in the poetry workshop. Thank you to our wonderful volunteers, as well as the Mother’s Day flowers from Floral Valley and printing by Chip Yick Fast Printing.

We will be bringing our gathering next month on June 2 and 3 to the Heart of the City Music and Arts Festival, which is located in Giovanni Park and is celebrating its 15th year. Meet us at the teepee for Indigenous cultural workshops, bannock, and intercultural activities!

If you are interested in attending the monthly gatherings, sharing a skill, or have ideas for workshops, please contact and keep updated via

The Our McCauley initiative was created to foster intercultural relationships and enhance community engagement in the McCauley area to address racism and poverty. We are a collaboration of multiple Indigenous and Newcomer service agencies in the area and the McCauley Community League’s Abundant Communities initiative, along with a Community Connector Programmer contractor to help realize our goals.

We respectfully acknowledge that we are located on Treaty 6 territory, amiskwacîwâskahikan_ – a traditional gathering place for diverse Indigenous and many others whose histories, languages, and cultures continue to influence our vibrant community._

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