Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • August-September 2024 • Circulation 5000


Summer Treasures

There is nothing more beautiful than Edmonton in the summer. Of course, my perception may be a bit influenced by the long wait for spring and stubborn release of winter that we tend to experience in this province. Once summer comes around though, I am more then ready to be out in it.

Last summer my husband and I spent nearly every weekend on a hike of some sort. Whether we jumped onto the LRT and detrained at a random spot or hit the river valley to see where our feet would take us, we always found something of interest.

I experienced my very first heron sighting last season. We were walking in the south end of Bear Paw ravine and came around a field with a drainage pond. As we grew nearer a strange form took sudden, frightful flight. It arced into the sky away from us but it was unmistakably a heron. I’ve not seen a heron prior to that day. They are nervous creatures.

We also came across a strange place in the valley when hiking around the Belgravia neighbourhood. Belgravia is nestled next to the river valley so we wandered in and between the valley trails and the residential streets. One valley trail led us to a concrete sidewalk resting upon concrete pillars apropos of nothing in the surrounding vegetation. It was an odd little spot which was obviously a hangout for neighbourhood kids. What in the world was that little bit of industrialization doing all by its lonesome in that neck of the woods? I still don’t know but I’m glad I know it’s there.

Another little spot we came across was closer to home in Riverdale. There’s a particular lane which hides a little sidewalk below street level. From this sidewalk one looks up to see the houses across the street towering above them and the back yards of the street side houses are at one’s fingertips with all their blossoms swaying across your path. It’s a neat little sidewalk; an unusual walkway in a city such as ours.

The sunny season is an open invitation to discover heretofore unknown treasures of the city we call home. One never knows what can be found just around the corner unless one goes around the corner to find out. Get outside this season and find some treasures for yourself. Share it with your friends. It’s time to explore.

Keri lives in Boyle Street.

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