Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • April-May 2025 • Circulation 5000


The Benefits of Pets

Having a pet has many benefits. Owning a pet can add years to your life and increase your wellbeing. My Maggie is a rescue dog but I often ask “Who rescued who?” as she brings me hours of enjoyment, exercise and companionship.

According to a study done by the Minnesota Stroke Institute that followed more than 4000 cat owners over 10 years, owning a cat can significantly reduce a person’s chance of heart disease. Specifically, people who owned cats were 30 percent less likely to suffer a heart attack. Similar conclusions have been made about dog owners.

This study merely adds to the evidence that animals can benefit human health. Psychologists have found owning a dog can helps lower your blood pressure and cholesterol, and evidence has shown owning a pet helps us deal with stress – a main factor in causing illness.

There are many benefits for the elderly. One study showed brain activity increase in seniors when they walked or interacted with a dog. As well, walking with a dog boosts the parasympathetic nervous system which calms and rests the body.

Many hospitals and long-term centres have seen increased benefits in mood, health, and recovery with pet therapy. There have been studies where even watching fish swim in an aquarium has had a calming effect on stress reduction.

Let’s not forget the benefits of service dogs for the visually and hearing impaired. I even attended a conference where a gentleman trained dogs as memory aids assisting those with neurological conditions.

Psychologists have found owning a dog can helps lower your blood pressure and cholesterol, and evidence has shown owning a pet helps us deal with stress – a main factor in causing illness.

Pets provide a sense of companionship and loyalty, and have a positive effect on their owners. You may have even heard stories of pets detecting illness by instinct!

Of course, the responsibility of owning a pet includes spaying or neutering, having regular veterinary checkups, providing your pet with adequate surroundings, and giving them a balanced diet.

There are several off-leash parks in Edmonton, one being Dawson Park off Rowland Road beside Riverdale. I cannot begin to mention the calming effect taking a stroll with my pup has had on me, not to mention the interaction with other pet owners. There seems to be a bond and similar feeling.

So when you responsibly adopt a pet it is a 50/50 agreement, in my opinion. You are saving a life and they are benefiting yours! I am a very familiar sight in the neighbourhood with my savior Maggie. Stop, say, hi and you can see the serenity I have achieved!

Ian is a resident of Boyle Street, a member of the Advisory Board for Services for Persons with Disabilities for the City of Edmonton, and the recipient of the Glenrose Award of Courage.

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