Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • June-July 2024 • Circulation 5000


New Energy and Direction

Hello McCauley.

As spring rolls forward, the world around us begins to come alive with new energy and fresh direction. So too it is with everyone at work in the community league. Following our AGM in March, we’ve got some fresh ideas and new work starting to bloom.

We’ve appointed our new executive, who are as follows: Shauna Forsyth continues her excellent work as Treasurer for the league. Rosalie Gelderman will be serving as our Secretary, keeping all our records straight and clear. Phil O’Hara has stepped forward as our Vice President for the coming year, and I (Mike Van Boom) continue in the role of President for the League.

Following the vote at our AGM around the Labour Day Barbecue, the League has contacted the City expressing the community’s wishes and has invited the Edmonton and District Labour Conference (EDLC) to host the Labour Day BBQ in Giovanni Caboto Park this summer. We’ve also designated a few board members to engage in conversation with McCauley residents, businesses, and the EDLC around resolving concerns raised, and ideas to strengthen the barbecue.

Our Recreation Committee continues to lead the pack with energy and enthusiasm. Our soccer program has been rolling along pretty smoothly so far, and we’re cheering on our kids and volunteers who make it happen! We‘ve also partnered with a few businesses and an Italian youth organization to plan the “Kick It Up” event on June 27. The Community League will be hosting the 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. “fun” portion of the event. Volunteers are still needed for this, so if you’d like to help out, please drop us a note! Otherwise, we hope to see you there!

The League is also considering the way forward in utilizing a $45,000 grant given to us by the Adults for Kids Society of Alberta designated for at-risk youth. We’ve assigned four board members to do some work on options and report back to the board in July.

Our recreation committee continues to lead the pack with energy and enthusiasm. Our soccer program has been rolling along pretty smoothly so far, and we’re cheering on our kids and volunteers who make it happen!

At our May board meeting, the MCL board passed the following motion: “To proceed on investigating the possibility of building a new community facility on McCauley Community League’s Licensed Land.” (The property with the McCauley Rink.) Yes, it’s time to build some sort of facility for the community. The board has appointed a steering committee to explore our options and pull the pieces together. Over the next few months, the committee will be visiting a few other community facilities in the city to get some ideas and inspiration. But if you have any ideas to bring to the table, please feel free to send them to us by email, or contact us on Facebook.

One more thing: FREE MULCH! There is a large pile of mulch on the northeast corner of Giovanni Caboto Park next to the natural garden. We’re planning to put a second layer down in the garden at an upcoming work party (details still in the works), but there’s far more than we need. So, feel free to grab a few loads if you like.

If you’d like to connect with the league to volunteer or share your perspective on something, please look us up on our website: Or, you can email us at We also have a pretty active Facebook site, so look us up on there if you haven’t already. If you’d prefer a more personal engagement, you can also stop by and visit us at our board meetings. We meet the first Tuesday of every month from 7-10 p.m. at the Boys and Girls Club. Let’s celebrate the new energy spring brings!

Mike is the President of the McCauley Community League.

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