Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • February-March 2025 • Circulation 5000


New Name for Edmonton Street News

The new year has brought a new name for street newspaper Edmonton Street News. The paper will now be known as Alberta Street News.

McCauley resident Linda Dumont is the founder and editor of Edmonton Street News. She says that copies of Edmonton Street News have been mailed to Calgary since August of 2010, when the local street newspaper in that city, Calgary Street Talk, was discontinued.

“This means adding four pages and going up to a 12 page paper each issue,” says Dumont, who is also a former editor of Boyle McCauley News. “And since we are now covering Calgary as well as Edmonton, the new name reflects that change. In addition, we are the only street paper in Alberta.”

A donation from Calgary company Triumph EPCM Ltd. will cover the extra printing costs.

Edmonton Street News has been in operation since 2003. Vendors purchase the paper at cost and then sell it on the street to supplement their income, which is usually AISH or welfare. It also provides the opportunity for marginalized individuals to be able to share their stories.

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