Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • August-September 2024 • Circulation 5000


Repaying My Friend Ava

“We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.” –Sir Winston Churchill

As a young man in my teens I moved to the large city of Montreal. Language was a bit of a barrier as were social connections. Montreal is a beautiful, historic city but can be a tad lonely when you are unfamiliar with it.

I was very fortunate to meet a kind friend who took me under her wing, showed me sites, introduced me to an incredible culture of theatre, and became a part of my Montreal family! Ava was like a big sister to me, keeping me updated on events to pique my interests. She had knowledge of where to find events that were suited to me and did this with undoing grace and especially a sense of humour. This was before the age of social media and suddenly I became more comfortable with this foreign place.

Maya Angelou has said, “People will often forget what you did or what you said but they will never forget how you made them feel.” My friend Ava made me feel safe, secure, and most of all loved.

Now, almost 30 years later, thanks to social media I was fortunate to reconnect with my wonderful friend now residing overseas. Instead of rehashing the past we got on with the future and picked up where we left off with humour, daily messages, and encouragement.

Unfortunately, my dear Ava was stricken with a health setback. She communicated with me on her thoughts, determination, and outcome and again taught me the fundamentals of survival. In one message, her words “Disappointed-Yes, Defeated-No!” became an outline of how to follow any setback. I could not believe the strength and power those words meant. Now it was time to pay it forward, be strong for my dear Ava.

The feeling she bestowed on me gave me the determination to participate in the CIBC Breast Cancer Run/Walk for the Cure. I raised funds (with Ava’s help) and completed the walk all the while hearing her wise words to keep me going. It was my time to repay her!

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