Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • August-September 2024 • Circulation 5000


Rewards of Summer

“One must maintain a little bit of summer, even in the middle of winter.”- Henry David Thoreau

I have often said this season is Mother Nature’s reward for our winter. Summer is when we come alive in Edmonton! I anticipate these times all through the seasons and am never disappointed!

With the abundance of festivals, outdoor markets, restaurant patios, early sunrises, and late sunsets, summer truly is a reward.

In our neighbourhood you will find people are more comfortable by greeting you with, “what a beautiful day!” Indeed, gardens are growing and birds are singing! It truly is magical!

Recently, National Geographic named Edmonton as a top worldwide destination in summer up with the ranks of Machu Picchu (Peru), Singapore, and Sedona Arizona! I can sure boast our city being named as a destination, and although I am taking a quick excursion, there is nothing like an Edmonton summer.

In our community we have many celebrations and festivals to honour the diversity of our neighbourhood, and so many things happening on the outskirts of the area. There is never a dull moment in Churchill Square!

So, I wish all readers a safe, enjoyable few months and then we can celebrate our beautiful autumn!

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