Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • August-September 2024 • Circulation 5000


The Warm Energy of Summer

I am a true Canadian in the singular sense that I can talk relentlessly about the weather. I can recall details of that drought we had years ago and relish in the reliving of the details. I will unfailingly give my opinion of last year’s seasonal temperatures as opposed to that of five years ago. I remember the minutia of the storm that came in from the west while the sun rose in the east. Yes, I am a highly sought after party guest.

Summer is an exciting time for me. I find that the weather is reflective of my energy. The summer brings higher creative power, more physical activity, and a better sense of overall well-being. I believe that almost everyone can attest to this phenomenon. Our communal mood is elevated. We also experience greater variance of weather in shorter periods of time: storms can sweep in from out of nowhere with a burst of rain, the wind can turn chilly and pick up speed, and the sweltering afternoon heat can dissipate by sunset. This is also a mirroring of collective vivacity. Such a renewal after winters’ slumber tends to veer off into wonky directions at times.

The four seasons we experience up here give us a period of rest and rejuvenation leading to blossoming. The short days and cool temperatures of winter give us the opportunity to replenish our energy. As much as our city council likes to discuss how they would like to see the same energy level in the winter as our city has in the summer, it’s simply not feasible. Winter has the purpose of rest for our environment and for us. Spring and summer bring forth the outcome of that period of rest.

So, talk about the weather and reflect upon what it means in your life at that moment. Enjoy the summer and allow your energy to run in whatever direction most attracts you. Bathe in the warmth of that glowing orb and the scents of the foliage blossoming and allow yourself to bloom with it. When we are spent and ready for rest, the chill will set in and we will sleep only to wake and do it all over again.

Keri lives and enjoys summer in Boyle Street where she likes to describe things with words like “vivacity.”

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