Boyle McCauley News

Since 1979 • August-September 2024 • Circulation 5000


Love is All You Need?

I have few regrets in my life. I have never been remorseful of loving too much, but I have been repentant of loving too little. There have been times that I should have stepped forward in support but instead stepped back. Instances when a caring word would have served much better than a scolding. Occasions when my own delicate feelings have overwhelmed thought of anyone else’s emotions.

Love is a tricky thing. In its essence, it is a gift that we are free to share with our fellow beings. However, the more we refrain from spreading our love, the less we will eventually have. Love is an offering that is meant to be bestowed over and over again. Despite all our own quivering and hesitation, we are meant to apportion love.

However, it’s not always the easiest thing to do. We are all subject to our opinions and emotions and they can make it very difficult to see any situation objectively. My own anger, at times, has caused rifts between me and loved ones that have been difficult to repair. Some behaviour or some ill-intended word has sent my temper raging and it can be months before things are sorted out. It can be difficult, on all sides, to share love when one feels under-appreciated. Then there are those situations where the other person is just being a total jerk and they are too insufferable to withstand for a moment longer!

It can be difficult to feel love for our fellow creatures when their general behaviour does nothing to encourage such an emotion. There are days when just absolutely everyone is getting on my last nerve. Days that leave me wondering if there is a grand conspiracy to test my patience with the whole species. That’s when I remind myself that a large portion of love is composed of forgiveness.

We have to forgive each other for the offenses we commit against one another. These offences are usually done out of fear, self-loathing, or pettiness. They rarely have any direct connection to the person being offended. When we act out of less than love for one another, the cause can usually be traced to the lack of love we have for ourselves. As we forgive each other, we forgive ourselves and learn the first foreign steps to love.

It can be a hard, difficult journey to love. A journey that most of us spend our whole lives on with little direction or understanding. Was I supposed to take a left at empathy, or a right? Just when you think you’ve reached the end, something shows you that you’ve hardly begun. Situations will strain your compassion; others will pull your heart strings. You’re not meant to reach the destination yet – just keep learning and loving and doing the best by one another.

To give our love detracts nothing from us. To withhold it takes away the whole world.

I love you all as best I can. Remember, if you happen upon of the streets and I growl at you for getting in my path, I’m trying my best. My best is not always that good, but it will get better.

Keri lives in Boyle Street. We love her too.

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