McCauley Musings
No Holiday Pressure
Why pressure ourselves to make sure the holidays is the most wonderful time of the year?
Paying it Forward
We can all benefit from receiving and giving random acts of kindness.
Dining Around
The area has restaurants galore offering a taste of the globe.
A Question of Balance
Balancing one’s life can be tricky indeed.
Become an Ambassador
We can all help change the general public’s perception of the inner city
Generational Momentum
There is a baby boom in Boyle Street and McCauley, and that can only be a good thing!
Businesses Build Community
Businesses are central to the future of Boyle Street and McCauley.
Art in the Heart
Boyle Street and McCauley are neighbourhoods with a lot of heart – and art!
The Folly of Valentine’s Day
Love is so much more than a commercialized holiday.
The Best and Worst of Times
It is the winter holiday time once again. A time of food, family, gifts, and celebrations, for some at least who are fortunate enough to have loved ones with whom to celebrate and a budget with which to buy gifts and food.
Reflecting on Remembrance
Reflections on grief and remembering loved ones.
School of Life
Life itself can sometimes be the best teacher, and train us to be teachers as well.
Eating Towards Unity
Food and cultural unity can go hand and hand.
Summer Business
We’re having some family picnics, and not having an AGM (until the fall). In the meantime, much is going on.
Warm Thoughts
McCauley and Boyle Street have lots of positive things going on. It’s a shame the mainstream media doesn’t pay more attention.
Find Your Inner Athlete
If you are the sort who has never been picked first for the team, you may relate to this month’s editorial.
Pets and Responsibility
Having a pet means taking on a huge responsibility.
Reasons to Green
Several people I know are making sarcastic comments about the winter we had. In fact, at the time of my writing this editorial, Edmonton is still in the midst of one of the worst winters of the past 20 years both in terms of cold temperatures and the vast amounts of snow.
About Activism
When it comes to activism, we have to look no further than our area here in Boyle Street and McCauley to see passion on matters of social justice on a regular basis.
Winter Escapes
Some people are fortunate enough to have means by which to travel to a warmer climate. However, except for the snow birds who live elsewhere four or five months a year, when the vacation ends you’re back in the snow and subzero temperatures, albeit with a suntan.