McCauley Musings
Milestone Birthdays
Boyle McCauley News turns 40 this year, and a new documentary will showcase its history.
Safer Cities and Spaces
What I took way with me after attending a UN Women’s symposium on safe cities and public spaces.
Relevance In Changing Times
Staying relevant as a news source in changing technological times.
Taking a Stand Against Hatred
Speaking as a journalist and an activist, hate has no place in our neighbourhoods.
Celebrating Good News
McCauley and Boyle Street are full of good news – and the mainstream media is starting to notice.
Appreciating Our Volunteers
Volunteers need to hear what they are doing right, not just have their mistakes pointed out.
When Memories Become Diamonds
Whether good or bad, memories are important on our paths towards self-discovery and growth.
Home: Where the Heart Is?
If home is where the heart is, then home is not necessarily a physical structure.
Freedom: A Double-Edged Sword
Freedom can represent that fact that every situation has pros and cons.
Sights and Sounds in the Heart of the City
Why Heart of the City is such an important event for our community.
Holding On To The Holidays
Looking at the holidays in the same way as other times of the year helps lessen the pressure and puts the focus on positive memories.
Light in the Darkness
The greatest way to spread light in the darkness is to love.
Be Kind to Yourself
Kindness involves both being kind to others and yourself.
Defining Self-Care
Self-care can involve doing things we don’t enjoy or want to do.
Getting Over the Weather
Summer is hot – deal with it.
The Great Outdoors
The great outdoors can be enjoyed in the city as much as in the wild.
Touched By the Arts
Whether you are in the audience or on the stage, the arts can play important roles in our lives.
Sustainability: It’s Where You Live
Where you choose to live can have a huge impact on the sustainability of your lifestyle.
History and Reconciliation
History is important to learn, but sometimes the formal education system can be lacking.
Of Pets and People
Animals can greatly enhance the human experience, even for someone who does not own a pet.