Ability and Community
A Dining Destination
The area has many ethnic eateries making it a dining destination that is gaining attention elsewhere.
Therapeutic Recreation
Recreation can be therapeutic, especially when it involves fresh air, exercise, and socializing.
Love Yourself First
Your relationship with yourself is the most important one you can have.
Walking and Public Transit
Walking and taking ETS can be a journey towards a destination.
Ian Young: Example of Ability
Having a disability does not define writer, board member, and carrier Ian Young.
Humour is Healthy
Humour has healing benefits for the body and mind.
Feeling the Holiday Spirit
Giving and sharing are the best ways to feel the holiday spirit.
Celebrate Winter
Winter has a lot about it that we should celebrate.
A “Trivial” Hobby
The hobby of trivia helps keep the mind in shape, can be creative, and can even earn money.
Think Before You Speak
Your words can have effects on others that you may never have thought of before you open your mouth.
Rewards of Summer
Summer in Edmonton is a beautiful time for festivals and being outside.
My Bonus Family
Sometimes our closest “family” members are people to whom we are not related by blood.
Respecting the Earth
Sustainability can be attained by reducing, reusing, recycling, and respect.
Embracing Change
Changes are a normal part of life, and we have to be willing to embrace them.
On Good Neighbours
Cooperative living and good neighbours go hand in hand.
The Joys of Cooperative Living
Living at Artspace is an adventure in cooperative living, where people work together to create a wonderful living experience.
Family, Friends, and Freedom
No matter how you observe the holidays, this is a time of year to celebrate who we are.
Public Transit Adventures
Public transit is a great way to get around the City, according to Ian.
Marvellous Maggie
When Maggie came into Ian’s life, both of them were changed forever.
Bursting With Culture
Culture should be a source of pride in addition to identity.